Zambales Chromite Mining Co Vs Хосе Роблес болон бусад Кейс тойм

Манай Zambales Chromite Mining Co Vs Хосе Роблес болон бусад Кейс тойм

Zambales Chromite Mining Company, Inc vs. Jose J. Leido Jr.

Petitioner Zambales Chromite Mining Company, Inc. is a mining corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Philippines. Petitioner claims that it is the owner and holder of sixty (60) mineral claims which it acquired through purchase in good faith and for value 43 years ago. Said claims situated at the ...

Chromite deposits of the north-central Zambales Range, Luzon

Peridotite and gabbro form an intrusive complex which is exposed over an area about 35 km wide and 150 km long in the center of the Zambales Range of western Luzon. The Zambales Complex is remarkable for its total known resources, mined and still remaining, of about 15 million metric tons of chromite ore. Twenty percent of Free World production …


This is a mining case. The petitioners appealed from the second decision of the Court of Appeals, reversing its first decision and holding that it was improper for Benjamin M. Gozon, as Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, to affirm his own decision as Director of Mines.. The Court of Appeals further held that the trial court's judgment, confirming the …

G.R. No. L-16182 August 29, 1961

g.r. no. l-16182 august 29, 1961 - zambales chromite mining company v. jose robles; g.r. no. l-16494 august 29, 1961 - priscilla fernandez-subido v. arsenio lacson; g.r. no. l-17219 …

Zambales Chromite Mining Co. vs. Jose Robles

On November 2, 1956, the Zambales Chromite Mining Company filed a complaint against Jose Robles asking or an order against the defendant to vacate immediately certain mines and mineral claims in the Municipality of Sta. Cruz, Zambales, belonging to plaintiff, and for the payment by the defendant of the sum of P425,573.75 as rentals for said ...


FACTS: Zambales Chromite Mining Corp., Inc. (ZCM, Inc.) sought to be declared the rightful and prior locators and possessors of 69 mining claims in Zambales. ZCM filed …


Company information. General information about ZAMBALES CHROMITE MINING CO. INC. Registered name. ZAMBALES CHROMITE MINING CO. INC. SEC number. PW00001653.

Zambales VS CA

The antecedental proceedings are as follows: (1) In Mines Administrative Case No. V-227, Director Gozon issued an order dated October 5, 1960 wherein he dismissed the case filed by the petitioners or protestants …

G.R. No. 188364, February 11, 2015

This Petition for Review on Certiorari 1 under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court seeks to annul and set aside the Resolutions dated March 16, 2009 2 and June 5, 2009 3 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 107700 dismissing K & G Mining Corporation s (KGMC) petition for certiorari 4 for being an improper remedy for the review of the Decision 5 …

G.R. No. L-49711 November 7, 1979

(1) In Mines Administrative Case No. V-227, Director Gozon issued an order dated October 5, 1960 wherein he dismissed the case filed by the petitioners or protestants (Zambales Chromite Mining Co., Inc. or the group of Gonzalo P. Nava).

G.R. No. L-16182 August 29, 1961

On November 2, 1956 the Zambales Chromite Mining Company filed a complaint against Jose Robles asking for an order against the defendant to vacate immediately certain mines and mineral claims in the Municipality of Sta. Cruz, Zambales, belonging to plaintiff and for the payment by the defendant of the sum of P425,573.75 as rentals for said ...

G.R. No. L-12560

On November 28, 1956, the Zambales Chromite Mining Company filed a complaint for unlawful detainer against Jose Robles in the Justice of the Peace Court of Sta. Cruz, …

Zambales Chromite Mining Co. vs. Jose Robles, et al.

Not satisfied, Robles brought the case to this Tribunal in a petition for certiorari (Robles vs. Zambales Chromite Mining Co., et al., 104 Phil., 688; 55 Off. Gaz. [31] 6012). In our decision promulgated on the September 30, 1958, we ruled that the Justice of the Peace Court had juridication to take cognizance of the unlawful detainer case ...

G.R. No. L-12560 September 30, 1958

On November 28, 1956, the Zambales Chromite Mining Company filed a complaint for unlawful detainer against Jose Robles in the Justice of the Peace Court of Sta. Cruz, …

Zambales Chromite Mining Co. vs. Court of Appeals

The Supreme Court decision on Zambales Chromite Mining Co. vs. Court of Appeals (1979) Toggle navigation Source beta. Documents; Jurisprudence; Zambales Chromite Mining Co. vs. Court of Appeals. Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila. SECOND DIVISION . G.R. No. L-49711 November 7, 1979.

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Zambales Chromite Mining Co Vs CA

Zambales Chromite Mining Co vs CA_digest - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Director Gozon issued an order dated October 5, 1960 wherein he dismissed the case filed by the petitioners. He found that the petitioners did not discover any mineral nor staked and located mining claims in …

Google алгоритмын шинэчлэлтүүд 2023: Үндсэн, тойм, …

Google алгоритмын 2023 оны шинэчлэлтүүд: Үндсэн, шүүмж, хэрэгтэй контент, спам болон бусад зүйлс By billy16 Нэгдүгээр 1, 2024 Шинэчлэгдсэн: Нэгдүгээр 1, 2024 6 мин уншина уу

DMCI plans to open 2 new mines in 2024

DMCI Mining Corp. is optimistic that its two new mine sites will start operations by the first half of 2024 and create additional employment in host areas, according to a report by Philippine News Agency. DMCI Mining president Tulsi Das Reyes said the first mining site, located in its existing site in Zambales, will be operational in …

Goodyear Tire & Rubber Export Company, Ltd. vs. Zambales Chromite

D. Jose P. Bengzon en representacion de la apelada Zambales Chromite Mining Co., Inc. DIAZ, J.: La demandante, a peticion del demandado B. H. Silen que se dio a conocer como Presidente de la demandada Zambales Chromite Mining Co., Inc., vendio a esta efectos por valor de P267.54, bajo la promesa de dicho Silen de que le pagarian el importe de ...

Zambales Chromite Mining Co. v. CA | PDF | Appeal | Trials

dated October 5, 1960 wherein he dismissed the case led by the petitioners or. protestants (Zambales Chromite Mining Co., Inc. or the group of Gonzalo P. Nava). In. that case, they sought to be declared the rightful and prior locators and possessors of. sixty-nine mining claims located in Santa Cruz, Zambales.

G.R. No. L-12845 February 25, 1960

Not satisfied, Robles brought the case to this Tribunal in a petition for certiorari (Robles v. Zambales Chromite Mining Co., Et Al., 104 Phil., 688; 55 Off. Gaz. [31] 6012). In our decision promulgated on September 30, 1958, we ruled that the Justice of the Peace Court had jurisdiction to take cognizance of the unlawful detainer case, although ...

Case digest G VS. MINING

This case involves a dispute between K & G Mining Corporation (KGMC) and Acoje Mining Company, Incorporated (AMCI) and Zambales Chromite Mining Company, Incorporated (ZCMCI) over the validity of a Mineral Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA) awarded to AMCI and ZCMCI. KGMC argues that the MPSA was irregularly issued and …

Zambales Chromite Mining Co., Inc. vs. Leido | PDF

Zambales Chromite Mining Co., Inc. vs. Leido - Read online for free.

G.R. No. L-54597

The case is analogous to Zambales Chromite Mining Co. vs. Court of Appeals, L-49711, November 7, 1979, 94 SCRA 261, where it was held that the decision of Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources Benjamin M. Gozon, affirming his own decision in a mining case as Director of Mines was void because it was rendered with grave abuse of ...


CHROMITE VS. ROBLES Civil Digest Team 1 month ago Avg. Rating: Download PDF Summary: This case involves a dispute between the Zambales Chromite Mining Co. …


CHROMITE VS. ROBLES. Civil. Ponente: MONTEMAYOR, J. Decision Date: . GR Number: G.R. No. L-12845. Digest Team 1 month ago . Avg. Rating: Download PDF. Summary: This case involves a dispute between the Zambales Chromite Mining Co. (plaintiff) and Jose Robles et al. (defendants) regarding a contract for the operation of …


This is an appeal by plaintiff Zambales Chromite Mining Co. from the order of the Court of First Instance of Zambales, dated April 23, 1957, dismissing plaintiff's first …

G.R. No. L-49711


CMI reviving chromite mining site in Zambales

CMI reviving chromite mining site in Zambales. - By DANESSA RIVERA. Consolidat­ed Mines Inc. (CMI) is reviving a chromite mine in Masinloc, Zambales previously operated by Benguet Corp. In a filing with the Department of Environmen­t and Natural Resources-Environmen­tal Management Bureau (DENR-EMB), CMI has …

Zambales Chromite Mining Co. vs. Jose Robles

On November 2, 1956, the Zambales Chromite Mining Company filed a complaint against Jose Robles asking or an order against the defendant to vacate immediately certain …


ZAMBALES CHROMITE MINING CO., PLAINTIFF AND APPELLANT, VS. JOSE ROBLES, ET AL., DEFENDANTS AND APPELLEES. D E C I S I O N. MONTEMAYOR, J.: This is an appeal by plaintiff Zambales Chromite Mining Co. from the order of the Court of First Instance of Zambales, dated April 23, 1957, dismissing plaintiff's first third, fourth and …


On November 28, 1956, the Zambales Chromite Mining Company filed a complaint for unlawful detainer against Jose Robles in the Justice of the Peace Court of Sta. Cruz, …

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