Gearless Sag Mill Slip Ring Motor

Манай Gearless Sag Mill Slip Ring Motor

Grinding Mill Foundations

Most of our work since 2000 has been in developing grinding mill foundations to avoid vibration and unacceptable deflections. On a recent project for a plant in Peru, the client was told by the mill vendor that there was no need to do a systems (dynamic) analysis on the mill foundations because the mills on that project were gear …

Gearless Ring Motor For Sag Mill Principles

Gearless mill drives Grinding ABB Our GMD eliminates all mechanical components of a conventional mill drive system, such as ringgear, pinion, gearbox, coupli

SAG Drive Selection | PDF | Electric Motor | Mill (Grinding)

Variable-Speed SAG Mill Drive Systems 2) Wound-Rotor Motors with Slip Recovery Systems: The wound-rotor motor system with a solid-state slip recov-Where a need exists for variable-speed 'peration Of the ery system is similar to the liquid rheostat system except that SAG mills, several systems are also available.

gearless ring motor for sag mill principles

the mill itself becomes the rotor of the gearless motor.Gearless ring motor for sag mill principles . Apr 08 turning the mill body into the rotor. The stator is then wrapped around the mill. The gearless motor is fed by a cycloconverter which has a rated output frequency of around 5 Hz for the GMD drive.Gearless mill drive system (GMD) Go ...

ABB Library

Conga: The world's first 42-foot diameter 28 MW gearless SAG mill. ID: ... Maarten van de Vijfeijken The gearless motor (also called wrap-around motor or ring motor) is a very large synchronous motor. The poles of the motor are directly installed on a pole flange on the mill shell: this means the mill body becomes the rotor. ...

Mill drive selection for semiautogenous grinding mills

mill and gearless mill with a ringmo-tor are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. Early SAG mill designs using gear drives were limited in the amount of power that could be applied to the pin …

Benefits of continuous data acquisition from critical …

Figure 4: Two SAG Mills 24MW each and Two Ball Mills 16.4 MW each with Gearless Mill Drives For larger applications the well-proven Gearless Mill Drive (GMD) technology has shown to be very effective since its introduction in mining in 1980; currently in operation for horizontal mills up to 40 feet (~12.2m) diameter with power ratings up to 28 ...

Advantages of SER drives for SAG mills | GoHz

Advantages of SER drives for SAG mills. Friday, December 19, 2014. For large mills requiring variable speed, the wound rotor motor and SER drive are economical for a total rating of approximately 2MW to 16MW. Above 16MW, the gearless drive (cyclo-converter) is typically used because gearboxes and pinion gears reach their present limit …

Catalogue – SAG MOTOR

SAG Motor, Leading the Elevation Gearless Traction Machines Industry through design, Technological Innovation and High Quality Production. CSAG-MV. Permanent Magnets Synchronous (PMS) Gearless Traction Machine ... SAG MOTOR (SPAIN) SL. Paseo Egiburuberri Nº13-O-U 20100 - Errenteria - Gipuzkoa (SPAIN) +34 943 528 394;

How digitalized gearless drive technology results in …

1. When used to power semi-autogenous (SAG), ball and autogenous (AG) mills, GMDs provide improved throughput, reliability and availability at processing plants. Traditional ring-geared mill drives have a ring …

Remote Diagnostic Services for Gearless Mill Drives

autogenous grinding (SAG) mills, or ball mills. The most important components of a GMD are the following ones: The stator is a massive electro-mechanical structure built around the grinding mill, hence its alternative names "wrap-around motor" and "ring motor" (see Figure 1). Its purpose is to

Gearless Warp Around SAG Mill

Gearless Warp Around SAG Mill For almost a decade now, very good operating experiences have been gained with a total of 28 gearless ring motor drives in …

Increasing Availability through Advanced Gearless Drive …

The comparison of a conventional drive train to a gearless drive for a grinding mill is shown in Fig. 1. Figure 1 – Top view of SAG-Mills with alternative drive options; left side: dual pinion drive including motor, gearbox, pinion and girth gear; right side: gearless ring motor What's the benefit?

Commissioning Variable Speed SAG Mill Gearless Drive

The SAG Mill Drive is mainly formed by a 11,000 HP. Ring Type Synchronous Motor of double winding, fed by two Three–Phased Cycloconverters. The rotor has salient poles without dumping windings and it consists of 72 poles. The cycloconverters work in the out-of-circulation current mode and they are connected to a 13.6 MVA …

ABB's new Gearless Mill Drive generation: Maintenance …

Slip rings and brushes Slip rings, cleaning brush mechanisms Wearing of the brushes Brush changes Ventilation and cooling system Motor fans, heat exchanger, water flow …

Mill drive selection for semiautogenous grinding mills

mill and gearless mill with a ringmo-tor are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. Early SAG mill designs using gear drives were limited in the amount of power that could be applied to the pin-ions, 3.7 MPa (5000 hp). The exception to this design was the Hibbing taconite operation. It used two4.47 MPa (6000 hp) motors to drive a 1I-m-diam x 4.5-m long (36-ft ...

Literature Review: Gearless Motor Failures – A Mill Designer's …

In [1], Svalbonas reviews the states-of-the-art in the design of grinding mills and ring-motors (for gearless drives). He concludes that failures in ring motors …


2007 - FL has sold the largest Ball Mills to follow a SAG mill, two 8.53 m x 13.6 m (28 ft x 44.5 ft) – 22 MW (29,480 HP) Gearless Ball Mills for the Antofagasta Minerals, Esperanza ...

Gearless mill drives

Our GMD eliminates all mechanical components of a conventional mill drive system, such as ring-gear, pinion, gearbox, coupling, motor shaft and motor bearings: By mounting the rotor poles directly onto the mill, the …


low speed motors connected to a pinion driving a ring gear, two low speed motors connected to two pinions and driving a ring gear, or a gearless motor mounted directly onto the mill. In addition, a gearbox can be used to reduce the speed of a high speed motor. This gearbox is then placed between the high speed motor(s) and pinion(s) and the

Gearless Ball Mill Operation

With this cement installation, it is possible to find the optimum production by changing the following: a) Mill speed from 13.0 rpm to 14.5 rpm (68.4% to 76.31% of critical speed). b) Diaphragm opening (in division head from open to closed position). c) Auxiliary fan blade speed from 50 to 150 rpm. d) Feed of clinker, gypsum and gypsum tailings.

Gearless mill drives

The gearless mill drive eliminates ring-gear, pinion, gearbox, coupling, motor shaft and motor bearings, used within a conventional mill drive system. By mounting the rotor …

SIMINE Gearless mill drives

The gearless concept The gearless drive avoids any contact between the rotating mill and the static parts of the motor. This allows for contin-uous workflow without maintenance …

Gearless Sag Mill Slip Ring Motor

Ring gear drives huge grinding mill machine design.The gears are scheduled to be installed on the sag mill at the mine in june 1995.Gearless drive, either of which wraps around the mill.The motor can also be used to inch and spot the.Press release gearless drive systems for belt conveyor.2008.These have also been fitted with gearless.

SAG MILLING – Gearless drive system from ABB

WESTERN AUSTRALIA - Five years in storage have failed to affect the performance of the ABB gearless drive on a SAG mill at the St. Ives gold mine belonging to GOLD FIELDS of South Africa. The mill was originally ordered in May 1997, but shortly before the manufacturing was completed, the then-owner of St. Ives gold mine, …

'SER' – Slip Energy Recovery Grinding Mill Speed Control

With our SAG mill running at 65.4% critical speed (mill @ 8.7 RPM), the SER motor speed reference is 850 RPM or 85% of 1000 RPM. We are recovering approximately 1.2 MW of slip energy; the power ...

Gearless mill drives

the poles' excitation via the slip rings to the rotor of the gearless motor. Knife switches are installed directly at the motor for both the stator and rotor circuit to make a visible disconnection before entering the motor for maintenance purposes. — ABB's gearless mill drive (GMD) ABB AbilityTM MineOptimize ABB AbilityTM MineOptimize is a 4 ...

SAG MOTOR – Leadership by Technology and …

SAG Motor (Spain) S.L., located in the Basque Country, one of the most industrialized areas in Spain, is a high technology manufacturer for permanent magnets synchronous (PMS) gearless traction machines …

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