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Манай 20 5 x25 samson l2e бутлуур

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The L-2 Rock Crusher from Samson is an industrial tire. Featuring a tough construction that boosts strength and durability to promote a longer tread life, the L-2 Rock Crusher's aggressive tread pattern allows for solid traction and performance in a variety of rough terrains. ... 20 inch tires; 19 inch tires; 18 inch tires; 17 inch tires; 16 ...

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Samson L-2A Rock Crusher Loader 20.5-25 120256G2, $990.46 | SpeedyTire. |.

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17.5-25/16 L-2A Samson. SKU: 117256G-2 Categorías: Cargador Frontal, OHT, Samson. Descripción Información adicional Valoraciones (0) Descripción. 17.5/-25, L-2 Traction Regular TL 16 PLY, Sams. Información adicional. Dimensiones: 1 × 1 × 445 mm: Dimension: 17.5-25. Diseño: L-2A. Marca: Samson. Lonas: 16 pr. Profundidad de Diseño mm:

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Features & Benefits. Thick center lug for greater resistance to wear. Cut and chip resistant compound. Designed to ensure stronger protection from sidewall damage. Industrial. …

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